Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Dance and Dash

 New Years is always a conundrum for me. Do I attempt to dress up, go out, and fight the crowds to celebrate in a club/bar, or do I stay home in my P.J.'s and more then likely fall asleep before 12? Well this year I decided I would brave the bar scene and attend a huge party at a local restaurant. I had attended this event a few years ago right after a painful break up. Back then I was naive and new to the single world. I even ended up giving out my number out to some not-so-worthy dudes. I had yet to master the casual phone number rejection skill. This year I knew it would be different. I would keep my expectations reasonable. I wanted two things: 1) a New Year's hat/ headband and 2) to try to enjoy the moment. 

Everything was going well until 11:30. I’m out on the dance floor with my friends and a guy comes up and starts dancing with us. Next thing I know he and I are dancing, relatively close if you catch my drift. So it’s the 30-second countdown, we have exchanged names and I’m thinking great! I have a cute stranger to kiss at midnight; I can cross this off my new single girl list. Well, 10 seconds to go he starts yammering about how I need to go get a drink. I say "no I’m good, I don’t want to miss the balloons and the final count." No joke guy looks at me and walks away, saying he’ll be right back. Umm…excuse me? So the clock strikes 12, champagne is popped, my lovely girlfriends kiss their boyfriends and then kiss me since I’m the single girl in the group, and guess who never comes back?

So my question is this: what is the point of dancing with me until 10 seconds to midnight appearing pretty interested and then running? Dude it’s a kiss...other then asking the name of the guy grinding on me I was not looking for a long term commitment. Hell I don’t even need your number, but if you're going to try and get biblical on the dance floor the least you can do is hang around for the kiss. I mean who really wants to start 2014 ditching girl on the dance floor? I'm pretty sure the dating gods don’t think highly of that...might mess up your future flow, bro. That karma....I here's she's a bitch.

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